Tuesday, November 18, 2008

And So it Begins

I've been feeling rather uninspired lately. Perhaps its the lack of sleep accompanying recent responsibilities, combined with current responsibilities, and a (not-exactly-sure-how-I-feel-about) resurrection of yet another responsibillty*. It could also be this twinging guilt imbedded deep in my gut reminding me of all the loved ones I've neglected lately, having left you destitute in a desolate land filled only with my better half's handful of mini posts--certainly not enough material to satisfy all four of our followers. Though, entertaining as they may be, these deep thoughts of his serve no real insight to the McIntier Reparte except to reveal what exactly my better half is actually "studying". Ummm, ya. At any rate, whatever the reason, I find myself museless, and to no avail as today is no different--but wait. It is.
Good Mornin' Lake Erie!
We've missed you, though I am sure you'll wear out your welcome in the upcoming months.

In other news: I've cut my hairs.** Perry, after a long awaited 11 months, has cut her first tooth--er teeth, she now has 4 and is working on numbers 5 and 6. We expect their arrival any day now. I've turned one year older (and wiser too). Jeff and I finally buckled under the pressure, signed a two year agreement with T-mobile, giving us new--and free, I might add--telecommunicaters, thus making us the proud owners of two fully functional (as in no duct tape, cracked screens, or water damage) cell phones: One pink, one blue. Yay for us. And Max still can't say Niagara Falls correctly.

*I ain't fishin' nor complainin'. I'm just sayin'. Been busy lately.
**I do have more than one, you know.


Nicea said...

You guys made the local news this morning and also Good Morning America! I heard a news guy say,"...just south of Buffalo" to which I responded by jerking my head around (early Cougarette style) just in time to see live footage of snow just a'comin' down.

Welcome back, Cotter. We missed your posts.

annie said...

hiiiiiiiiiiiiii! i'm so excited to see you in EIGHT DAYS! love the post. we got fake snow here. it didn't stick so it isn't real snow.

abbyjane said...

We got a new follower!

Alesha said...

It is great to see a new post from you! I have missed you! Oh, seeing that snow makes me oh so glad we dont live in Erie anymore, and you are WAY worse off...I'm sorry. Wow early morning huh? You are a trooper. That would be a rough calling. I want to see your hair!

kristenita said...

ooh ooh! I joined the follower club. hope that's OK! your posts are hilarious. sad for early morning seminary hour, yay for new phones.

Team Fraser said...

What your coming here?? I can't wait to see you guys!

Anonymous said...

Hey Jeff and Family! Found your blog and just wanted to say hi and congratulations on having such a beautiful little family! And by the way, your blog is both informative and hilarious :) Best wishes, glad to see you are doing well.
~Brooke Petersen (now Reber)

Nicea said...

I had to come back for another visit to this post because I love your current responsibilities so much.

And I think Cotter is spelled Kotter. Anybody?

Shawn said...

Ab is back! Hello from Butte, MT. I want to see a picture of your hairs. AND, I like your writing.

Nicea said...

Just back for my daily dose of your current responsibilities. Ooooo I miss 'em.

abbyjane said...

mom, who's cotter?

abbyjane said...

oh, and auntie s: i learn from the best...it's in my genes.

Nicea said...

Welcome Back, Kotter was the name of a TV sitcom back in the day. Kotter (Cotter). Anybody else remember this show?

The Crew said...

I was reading your blog and you are pretty silly!!!! Very creative and good with words;) How are you liking it their? Hope all is well :)

Chuck said...

I second the motion - Abby is very creative and good with words. It was great to have a new post. Nicea and I must be the same age. I can remember the show and sing the theme song! How short is your hair? Daring or desperate move?

The Wills Family! said...

enjoyed the post! yay for snow! Have a wonderful Thanksgiving :)

taylor and laney said...

It's Kotter.

Alan said...

Looks like we got out of there just in time! Makes me cold to look at the snow - we've been so spoiled with this great Indian summer. And yes, I remember Kotter too. If you were a fly on the window in my truck, you might hear me sing the theme song, but that's the only way! Oh no, does that mean I'm as old as Charlotte (Chuck) and Nicea?!?!?!