Saturday, January 5, 2008

Back into things

We have been having a much needed break. Thankfully, I don't have to back to school until the 14th, so it has been nice to be at home helping out with the kids! Here are some pictures from the last couple of weeks:
This is Max opening his jammies on Christmas Eve. Thanks Grandma Charlotte!!
Perry also loved her new jammies. It's so hard to find things that fit babies as little as Perry, but these fit perfectly!
I left Max alone in the tub for a few minutes and when I came back this is what I found...He's always surprising us with his creativity!
This is Perry's "kissy face." I think she gets it from her Aunts!
Max opening more presents.

We had a great Christmas! Abby's sister, Annie, came up from Washington D.C. and stayed with us for a few days. It was sad to be away from all of our family, but at the same time it was nice to be able to have our first family Christmas.

I need to take a break. Max has just banished me to time-out for not listening and I need to go there "right now!"

OK I'm back. After Christmas we went to Erie, PA for New Year's Eve to spend some time with the Olsens and the Browns. It was a lot of fun to have a break and see our friends. We were planning to have a big family sleepover, but unfortunately Perry isn't quite up to it yet and we ended up leaving, but not before we rang in the new year the old school way--with pots, pans, and wooden spoons! Sorry about the broken spoon, Alesha.

Happy New Year to all, and we hope that all of you have a wonderfully prosperous year.


Alesha said...

Thank you for following my advice about the update. I am LOVIN the pics. The one of Max holding Perry is great! The one of Max in the bath made me crack up! I love his sweet little smile too it makes the picture. I'll live with out the spoon, dont you fret. Also we will be looking forward to more visits. Here or there.

Bree said...

I love that your son is putting you in time out. Classic.

Anthony and Kristie said...

Supper Nanny taught me that you are supposed to stay in time-out one minute for one year of age(So if you are 2 years old you have to stay in time-out for 2 minutes). I am curious, how many minutes do you have to stay in time-out? If I got to stay in time-out 27 minute, I think I would act up a little more.

Team Fraser said...

OMG Max is so the tub...that's what you get for leaving him alone...

Melinda Szarek said...

I think I have the cutest nephew and niece EVER!!
I think the kissy picture is my FAVORITE!!

XOXOX - Love you guys!!

Nicea said...

The picture with Perry and Max in the Christmas jammies is darling. I like the bathtub picture. Is that Max's towel he has wrapped around himself?

Nicea said...

I forgot to say how precious the picture of Perry with her kissy face is. I can't wait to see you all again. How long is grad school again?

Chuck said...

Thanks for the update. I can never get enough of our adoreable grandchildren. Enjoy every minute -- believe it or not it will go by so quickly!