Wednesday, July 9, 2008

Some Pics


Team Fraser said...

amazing! Perry is so damn cute I just want to pinch her checks off! PS when are you coming back here?

Anonymous said...

Nice family pic!! Makes ya wonder how you 2 DORKS got such cute kids!!! How cute is little per bear? I cant wait to see her!!!

Alesha said...

Awe you kids are so big! I cant wait to see you guys! We need to plan to weekends, one for you guys to come down here to the beach, and one for use to come see your new place!

Melinda Szarek said...

Look at the look Max is giving you in that family picture. Poor kid doesn't stand a chance!! =)

And WOW does Perry look like Gramma Charlotte. HOLY MOLY!!

richard dandelion said...

Your family is ... breathtaking.


Seriously, y'all are cute as aych-ee-doubl-hockey-sticks.

The Marsing's said...

Now that's an Angus Family Photo if I've ever seen one. Only thing missin is the alligAtor!

The Brown Family said...

Could Perry get any cuter?! I miss you guys...we need to hang out soon!

Chuck said...

I was so awe struck with the parents in your new family photo that I missed Max the first time I looked at it! Can't get enough of your kids. When I feel lonesome your blog cheers me up! THANKS.

Stacey said...