Wednesday, December 5, 2007


After all that fuss we decided to name her Perry Marie (cool, huh Josie!) McIntier. Thanks for all of the name suggestions. Some of my personal favorites were Nathina, Gustina, and Cinderella.

Less than one minute old.

Perry was looking for something to eat from the moment she came out!
And check out that babe!! Would you believe that she just gave birth?!?!

Perry and Grandma Charlotte!

Taking a nap.


Nicea said...

I can't wait to kiss and hug Max and kiss and hold Perry. Marie's a nice middle name and the spelling you chose for Perry is the one I was hoping for---don't know why, but I just liked it. I like your blog. Brooke and Corinne both have one, too. I'll send you their addresses.

Team Fraser said...

Oh how cute! I'm glad that we were able to get a name! And such a cute one. Well i'm kinda mad your aren't even going to come home for 2 yrs...

Team Fraser said...

oh and olsens changed over to update your link!!

Alesha said...

She is Beautiful!I cant wait to see her in person! I want to smooch her. Babies everywhere! Dustin and Mindy had there baby yesterday too, just an FYI!

Tiff and Rand said...

Congratulations!!! She is adorable and I love the name. I'm excited for you two. Girls are so much fun to dress up!

Marie Stott said...

Oh how I love you guys. I am so excited for you to have a girl. Maybe she will be just like Cora and then my next baby can be just like Max :) I miss him and so does Baby Cora.
I love the name it is so cute. I hope everyone is doing well.

The Marsing's said...

Congratulations Angus! I would have gone with that name, it's a little more fitting for an alligator wrastlers daughter, but hey, we are excited for you guys.

Jen said...

Abby!!! Julianne gave me the link to your blog and I was so excited/shocked to see that you just had a baby girl! I'm so lame at keeping in touch with people, thank heaven for blogs! Perry's beautiful and I can't believe how great you look right after having her! I hope you're liking Buffalo...and I'm excited to stay a little more updated on your cute little family!
Jen Lundeen

Jen said...

Abby!!! Julianne gave me the link to your blog and I was so excited/shocked to see that you just had a baby girl! I'm so lame at keeping in touch with people, thank heaven for blogs! Perry's beautiful and I can't believe how great you look right after having her! I hope you're liking Buffalo...and I'm excited to stay a little more updated on your cute little family!
Jen Lundeen

Bree said...

Perry MARIE? PERRY MARIE? You would even go with a name that RHYMES with Bree to add insult to injury. I'm not sure if we can be friends anymore. ;)

JK. Love you guys. I am SO happy that Perry is here, healthy and safe and that mommy Abby is doing well. Please give me a call if/when you feel up to it.

Jeff- I have to go with you on your random thoughts... i heard somewhere that blogs should be where you vent your inspirations. Then people can comment and give their own opinions and junk. Better - in my opinion - than the blogs that have nothing but family pictures over and over each entry. (No offense, I just like a little discussion every so often!) And BTW- it's a personal pet peeve when people press the buttons over and over. My dad would do it with the *flash* button on the phone. It would drive me nuts!