Thursday, May 22, 2008

Wednesday--What day?!

I've always found it odd--not to mention a bit awkward--that the middle day of the week is referred to as Hump Day. As a student I always enjoyed Wednesdays, as it marked the approaching of such days as Friday and Saturday--the very reason the day is referred to as such, and while I am aware that the origin of this description is supposed to have more to do with the growth on a camel's back than other somewhat derogatory connotations, part of me knew there was more to Wednesdays than marking the middle of the work week. Now, thanks modern marvels such as the internet, forwards and You Tube, my hypothesis has been proven correct. God Bless America...and Wednesdays.


The Brown Family said...

That video is SOOO funny! I'll have to have Steve watch that so he'll also know the "real" meaning of WEdnesday, haha!

Bree said...

HAHAHAHAHA! I L-O-V-E f.o.t.c! Ah! Have you seen their sitcom? It is hilarious. I love that you posted about this!

abbyjane said...

Bree, I haven't sat down to watch their sitcom yet, but I've seen it on you tube. Guess I'll have to check it out!

Stacey said...


Team Fraser said...

that is funny! Abbs you kill me!

Jamie said...

Some of my fellow midwife friends played that song at our post-graduation party and I thought it was so hilarious, but had forgotten who sang it. Thanks for bringing back some good memories for me. :)