Thursday, May 1, 2008

We Made It!

What does the most outgoing little buddy in all of the world do when he's imprisoned on an airplane with 2 hours remaining until landing?Introduce himself!
Pictured are Thing 1's new friends: cute "Blondie" from the family of 7 all traveling together (that's right, family of 7; for a moment I thought they were our Biggest Family on the Block friends, the Caspers, then I counted the kids and realized there was one boy too many...) and Vanessa, almost 2, traveling with her mother, Andrea going to Grandma and Grandpa while Dad completed his second year med school finals back in DC--one gets the pleasure of sharing stories with others during 2 hour layovers.

Once pure delerium was reached, Blondie and her older sister kept Vanessa entertained across the isle, while Max sat in Vanessa's seat and played with Andrea. Her stickers and crayons and movies were increasingly more enticing than his own stickers...and crayons...and movies. Thank goodness for Andrea. Airplane lavatories are simply too cozy for mom, infant, and toddler.

We are are here, we are settled and up two friends. Would I fly again with my children and no Jeff? Surprisingly, Yes I would.


Stacey said...

I must have missed something but where did you fly to?

Anonymous said...

Looks like little max is the one that will be getting all the "hanky panky"- Your sweet innocent never says anything even remotely loud or questionable friend on southgate!

abbyjane said...

Stace, we flew to SLC! Wanna hang out?!

Natalie said...

We love Max!

Natalie said...

We love Max!

Anthony and Kristie said...

That is too funny. I am glad you survived the plane ride. Max is so funny, he makes friends everywhere he goes.

Anthony and Kristie said...

That is too funny. I am glad you survived the plane ride. Max is so funny, he makes friends everywhere he goes.

Danica Osborn said...

how brave of you! glad you made it there. hope it's fun!

The Brown Family said...

Glad you had a good flight. I agree...flying alone with 2 kids isn't as bad as I had thought it would be.
Sad our trips didn't match up. We'll have to hang out when you get back to NY a little girl at the zoo who's name was Perry...she was 3 and very cute

Team Fraser said...

what the heck! Like you didn't even have a count down that you were coming!!

gina bina said...

You brave brave soul. It's hard enough keeping B-rad entertained during a flight.

Kristi & Mike said...

Abby I'm so proud of you! Just the thought gives me anxiety and I don't even have kids yet! I hope you have a great time! I miss you!

Heather and Kade Scott said...

Okay my name is heather and I went to murray. I kinda knew jeff long time ago because I am friends with cole, garrett, mindy some others from taylorsville. Anyways I just saw your blog and I know the little girl Vanessa's parents, I was friends with her dad. Sorry I just think this is a small world. They are the Hatch's on my blog friends.

Andrea Hatch said...

Omigosh Abby, I hope Jeff has told you the story about he and Dan know each other. How amazing is that?! Your kids are so absolutely adorable and that plane ride was the easiest one I've ever taken (thanks to you guys and that big fam next to us) :)

Kristy said...

Just wait until you have three. What nice people you were fortunate to be flying with.