Tuesday, June 3, 2008

What a great mom

Sorry Abby, Charlotte and Nicea. I think that you moms are great too, but this post happens to be about another great mom that lives in Buffalo.

So I'm driving down Main Street in Buffalo and I see this gangster looking kid with his cornrows and baggy clothes standing on the side of the road holding a bright neon-orange sign. My first thought was that he was soliciting work or something, so I slowed down to read the sign. We made eye contact and he sheepishly looked away from me, so my eyes drifted down to the sign:


HAHA! What a great mom!!! The best part was that this mom-of-the-year candidate was sitting back behind her son and off to the side, reading a book in a lawn chair! Oh what I would have given for a camera!

On a more serious note, it was reassuring to me to see a mom doing her job as a parent! Abby and I have met a few parents that probably would have stormed into a convenience store and insisted that their kid would never do something like that if they got caught stealing. Then they would follow it up with a rant about how the store set them up because they are out to get teenage kids. Finally, they would top it off with a threat to file a character defamation lawsuit if the accusing employee didn't quit their job and leave the country!

Good work mom! We need more like you!


gina bina said...

That is so great and I'll have to remember that for future torturing of my kids. Love it.

Danica Osborn said...

i love it!!! and i love that you gave the mom a shout out. you're right--too many parents out there are making excuses for their kids mistakes rather than letting their kids own up.

so when you guys coming out here! don't you need a summer get away?!

as for abby's hair...i only knew you with short hair so when i first saw your blog i hardly recognized you b/c it was so long. you've got a face that can oull off either cut, but short is so fun, and i feel like it just fits a sassy personality (like we both have! :) )

Danica Osborn said...

no for real! come this summer sometime. we could even try to do nauvoo if that helps add incentive for you to come, but otherwise we've got plenty of room, great food to eat, and a city to explore. (and built in sitters b/c of my parents) too bad you didn't move out here--that would've been awesome. kev says get on it!!!

The Marsing's said...

True dat

Anthony and Kristie said...

That is hilarious, that mom is a good mom. We miss you guys. Jeff, do you notice all your problems are gone now that you have a sweet new apartment?

abbyjane said...

and you all wonder why I screen my calls...i am scarred for life from these so-called parents jeff has mentioned.

Natalie said...

Why do you always see the funny/cool things in Buffalo Jeff? I never see funny signs or funny people on the side of the road. I need to get out more...

Megan said...

Hahaha! That is hilarious! I would love to give that mama a high five!

Princess Consuela and Banana Hammock said...

Thats a pretty funny story. I'll have to remember that when I become a mom. Anyways...we found your blog. Cant wait to get caught up with your little family. We miss you guys.

Kristi & Mike said...

Wow! How funny...when I was reading about that...I had WAY to MANY memories come back into my mind and even funnier that the song was playing as I was reading the post was 'Don't Look Back In Anger'. I do want to bring out the fact that you underestimated a little... I think that you have met MORE than a FEW parents that would do your little scenario!!!LOL!

Jamie said...

Abby! I love your blog. I'm joining in the fun. You remember Kevin, right? He and I have a blog now. Love you!


Stacey said...

Hey are you saying that I'm not a good mom.... Haha that is really funny. The things you see.

Bree said...

I have to write that one down for future use! I LOVE IT! HA HA! Also, was the post below (about airport security) about you or Abby? 'Cause I just remembered time after time waiting in her driveway (me usually being extra prompt, and her always extra late) trying to get her butt out of the house so we wouldn't get the Jodi Maxfield "evil eye!" Ha ha! Memories.

jEn said...

Well Ab we never got together. sorry it got so crazy. when are you comin back. i heard about the dress up your mom made max and how she was careful to not put sequins or anything like that on it. Love it.

richard dandelion said...

Best. Post. Ever. I'm totally ripping this story off next time I get asked to speak on Mothers' Day.

Love the blog, if I haven't already said.

Marissa said...

That is fantastic! Oh, and thanks for the dog advice, we will totally try it!