Tuesday, March 25, 2008

Some Bunny Loves Me

In all of our lives we have incidents when we just cannot comprehend the rationality of such things. These things can be peoples' actions, new ideas, or even outrageous fads. We think,"Is that for real?" or "Did that really just happen?" These things become a part of our reality as we incorporate them into our lives (be it by acceptance or mere tolerance) then, over time, they become a part of our past--like the afro--only to be regurgitated periodically throughout time.

Every night Clementine sleeps in our bed. Similarly, every night I wake up to feed Perry. Most often I am not out of bed for longer than 30 minutes. Sometimes I can even be back into my room with in 20 minutes. Eager to return to slumber, I shuffle back to my room only to find that dang dog elongated on MY SIDE OF THE BED! As I try to shove her over 50 lbs of dead weight over just enough for me to fit on the queen size matress, she GROWLS at me as if I were some mistress crawling in the sheets for her husband! Hello? What, or should I say Who, does she think she is? Has she EARNED a place on my mattress by simply being a lazy, hairy, druely canine? We go through this same routine every time I get up from our used-to-be-a-pretty-wheat-colored chair in our family room. Clementine hops on the second I hop off. To further my bewilderment, If I am sitting on the chair and our bedroom door happens to be closed, Clem will putter around the house groaning and barking at both me and Jeff because she has no place to lay. I think, Lay on the blasted floor! You're a dog for crying out loud!

As we all know fashions come and go. Some are extreme and some are mild. Some we love and some we don't. Some make us shudder at the thought while others make us shudder as we try to wear them. I feel this way about one such baby fashion. Now, I don't quite shudder at this, but I certainly do scratch my head. Mostly because I so desperately want the giant flower bow to be cute on Perry, but I am not quite understanding the concept. Is it supposed to be larger than the babies' head on purpose? I think the idea is that our bundles of joy will look like living Anne Geddes-esque photos. Now, don't get me wrong, I have seen these on many other babies and I think it is darling....I'm just not fashion forward enough to make it work. Sorry Perry.

Max and Clem have a sort of love/hate relationship. In the past, it's been very loving. However, in the present, it is mostly based on mutual intolerance. Max squawks if our puppy is to so much as sniff in his direction when he has food in his hands. Likewise, Clem feels the same when our boy tries to play with her. Anywhoo, this is one of my favorite scenes at our house. Poor Max, defenseless against Clem's unforgiving jaws.


Team Fraser said...

The story of Clem & that pic of Max are excellent.


Team Fraser said...

That is so funny about Clem...Annie is the same...I take her to go "potty" and she beats me back in bed and is laying in my spot...Lucky for me she's only 7lbs and I can move her without much effort. But then I get "becareful with the dog" from Garr...hello she's a dog and can sleep at the foot of OUR bed!

Rachel Murray said...

I am so glad you think the huge flowers are a little obnoxious. I think this is totally a trend that when our kids are looking back on their pictures they will ask what mom was thinking. These headbands are one reason I am very relieved I have a boy and don't have to worry about baby fashion trends quite as much.

Alesha said...

I am totally feeling you about the bed sitch. That was the same thing to a T that happened to me when I would get up to nurse, even the growling. Dont they realize that it is a privelage to be in the bed? Come on now! AND Koen and Koda have the same relationship too, I get just as annoyed with the dog and the constant following waiting to snatch a bit!

Stacey said...

I feel you on the bow situation. Sometimes a baby can pull it off other times I am wondering if the mom knows what she is doing to her poor child although i think that Perry looks really cute! Ava is the same with BO... one day they are best friends the next Ava doesn't even want her int eh same room. All that I have to say about Clem on the bed is that I used to hate it with Bo but now that Eric works nights I love that extra 85 lbs to lay next to me... but we do have a king and sometimes I don't think it is big enough for Eric and I!

Emily said...

Okay, so I blog stalked you from Erica and Richard's blog, but I have a 4 year old Bassett too...and yes..the same way! Even down to his and my Daughter's relationship. Glad to know we aren't the only ones that let him sleep in the middle, my side, husbands side, long ways in the middle, and strecthed out three feet! I mean he thinks he's a poodle. He even claims the recliner!